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Join PSAC’s legal fight against the arbitrary telework mandate for federal workers

telework télétravaille

July 24, 2024

As part of our ongoing fight to rescind the federal government’s arbitrary one-size-fits-none telework policy for federal public service workers, PSAC is now encouraging members impacted by the mandate to file individual grievances contesting their telework agreements. Collectively filing thousands of individual grievances will hold Treasury Board accountable for violating the agreement on telework PSAC […]

“25-and-out” pension reform announcement: A remarkable victory for public safety and law enforcement workers

Photo of CIU flag

June 13, 2024

The announcement by the federal government regarding new pension legislation, earlier today, constitutes a victory of historic proportions for public safety and law enforcement workers across the country, including CIU’s own FB members. I would like to join PSAC National President Sharon DeSousa in highlighting the importance of this announcement for PSAC and CIU members. Once passed, […]