Tag Archives: 25 and out

DeSousa: Federal workers who keep us safe deserve a dignified retirement


The following op-ed by Sharon DeSousa, PSAC National President, was published in the Ottawa Citizen and other Postmedia papers. 

Two firefighters risk their lives to keep us safe. One battles a burning building, the other fights a dangerous wildfire. Both have tough jobs that take a physical toll, resulting in mounting injuries over time. But only one can retire without penalty after 25 years of demanding frontline service.

Most firefighters, law enforcement, and public safety workers can retire with unreduced pensions after 25 years because their jobs are so demanding. But federal firefighters facing another wildfire season, firefighters on military bases, frontline workers at CBSA, northern paramedics, Coast Guard search and rescue workers, territorial Corrections Officers, and many others who keep us safe in so many ways don’t get this benefit.

These public safety workers do tough jobs but for decades have been treated as second-class workers, forced to work five extra years before they can retire compared to others doing similar demanding work.

Imagine this: after years of frontline work that takes a huge physical toll, you can’t pass qualifications anymore. But, unlike someone doing a similar job for a province or municipality, you face a big financial penalty if you retire after 25 years of service.

For over 20 years, the Public Service Alliance of Canada has been pushing the government to correct this. We were delighted when Treasury Board President Anita Anand announced in June that the government was moving forward with legislation in the fall designed to allow federal public safety workers to retire without penalty after 25 years of service, regardless of their age.

Correcting this inequality was a challenge, and our work isn’t done yet. While most unionized workers can negotiate pension conditions, federal public sector workers fall under the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act – a restrictive law that does not allow pensions to be part of collective bargaining. For us, these changes can only be made by jumping through all the hoops needed to introduce and pass legislation. Progress like this can only happen when government is willing to work together with public service unions to fix these inequities.

The forthcoming change to the legislation is a testament to the hard work of so many workers who fought for years for pension equality. Soon, thousands of federal public safety and law enforcement workers across Canada will have the same equitable retirement benefits as their peers. We finally got the government to act.

Our union will be monitoring the legislation closely to ensure that pension fairness for all deserving federal public safety workers is achieved. The details will make all the difference and it’s crucial the government get things right.

I’m sure every Parliamentarian agrees Canada should honour the service of those who put their health and wellbeing at risk to keep us safe and secure. They can show their appreciation by working with us to strengthen and pass this legislation as soon as possible – so these workers can finally get the equitable retirement they deserve.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

“25-and-out” pension reform announcement: A remarkable victory for public safety and law enforcement workers

Photo of CIU flag

The announcement by the federal government regarding new pension legislation, earlier today, constitutes a victory of historic proportions for public safety and law enforcement workers across the country, including CIU’s own FB members. I would like to join PSAC National President Sharon DeSousa in highlighting the importance of this announcement for PSAC and CIU members.

Once passed, this legislative reform will allow our members to retire with dignity after 25 years of service. Let me be clear: This represents a monumental leap for CBSA personnel. Our union has long advocated for pension reform that would see our members treated in the same way as other law enforcement officers, and CIU wholeheartedly commends the federal government for committing to this much needed reform that recognizes the demanding nature of the work performed by our members.

I know many of you will have questions regarding the implementation of these changes, and we will be keeping a close eye on the legislative process as the government works on adopting the required modifications. We will make sure to update you as things progress.

Thank you and in solidarity,

Mark Weber
CIU National President

Watch — Retirement after 25 years of service for border personnel: Brian Masse asks the real questions

Brian Masse asking the real questions about the long-standing issue of retirement after 25 years of service for border personnel.

CIU is thankful to Brian Masse for asking the real questions in the House of Commons on behalf of our members. On April 30, the Windsor West MP brought up the long-standing issue of retirement after 25 years of service for border personnel, putting the spotlight on the lack of action by the federal government.

Treasury Board President Anita Anand seems happy to pretend this is something that’ll be resolved through the PIC process, claiming “all deals are best made at the table”.

Some facts:

  • Equitable retirement provisions — “25 and Out” — require legislative amendments. That doesn’t happen at the table, it happens in the House. TB President Anita Anand can make this happen now. It’s easy.
  • The PIC process takes place after parties reach impasse. Maybe Anita should ask the TB bargaining team what they were busy doing when our team was at the table.
  • The employer does not need to wait for the PIC recommendation to offer a fair deal and an actual wage proposal. They can choose to do the right thing now.

Additional content

The fight for equitable retirement benefits for FB members


PSAC and the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) have been advocating for over a decade for equitable retirement benefits for CBSA law enforcement personnel working at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). In the last round of bargaining, FB members won a commitment from Treasury Board to support this – it’s time the government follows through.

Almost all law enforcement and public safety workers — both provincially and municipally — receive “25 and out” early retirement benefits, with very few exceptions. This includes firefighters, air traffic controllers, RCMP constables, operational employees of the Correctional Service of Canada, and more.

Allowing CBSA law enforcement officers to access the same early retirement benefits would allow our members to retire with dignity after 25 years of service, without any penalties.

CBSA law enforcement personnel work in demanding and physically challenging roles, and face similar physical demands and risks, yet are not afforded the same retirement benefits as their counterparts in other law enforcement agencies.

Instead, many older employees are given limited duties as they near retirement, as firearm and use of force certification become more difficult.

Without the prospect of fair retirement benefits, it can be challenging for CBSA to attract and retain talented workers at a time when the agency is already short-staffed.

It’s time the Treasury Board did the right thing and implemented pension reform.

Providing equitable and early retirement benefits will not only improve the overall well-being and job satisfaction of PSAC-CIU members working at CBSA, but also ensure a sustainable workforce by improving recruitment and retention.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Media advisory: Workers at CBSA and allies rally, call on government to fulfill commitment to equitable retirement

Photo of CIU flag

Ottawa, September 21, 2023 – Members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Customs and Immigration Union are rallying to call on Treasury Board and the government to live up to their commitment to provide CBSA law enforcement officers equitable retirement benefits.

  • Date: Thursday September 21, 2023
  • Time: Rally starting at 12:30 p.m.
  • Location: Treasury Board of Canada, 90 Elgin Street, Ottawa

CBSA law enforcement officers work in demanding and physically challenging roles, and face similar physical demands and risks as their counterparts in other law enforcement agencies across the country. However, they do not receive equivalent retirement benefits. Instead, many older employees are forced to accept limited duties and opportunities for advancement as they near retirement, as firearms and use of force certification become more difficult as workers age.

Recognizing this, the government has committed to making legislative amendments to provide “25 and out” early retirement benefits, but this has yet to be done. This would allow officers to retire with dignity after 25 years of service.

“With very few exceptions, almost all law enforcement and public safety workers – both provincially and municipally – receive 25 and out retirement benefits. This includes firefighters, air traffic controllers, RCMP constables, operational employees of the Correctional Service of Canada, and more,” said Mark Weber, CIU National President. “It’s time for this government and Treasury Board to step up to the plate and show that they understand and support workers at CBSA.”

Speakers include:

  • Mark Weber, National President, Customs and Immigration Union
  • Chris Aylward, National President, Public Service Alliance of Canada
  • Brea Baresinkoff, FB group bargaining team member

More than 10,000 PSAC-CIU members working at CBSA are currently in negotiations with the federal government, where equitable retirement benefits, job security, telework, and fair wages that keep up with the cost of living are key issues at the bargaining table.

Information and interviews:
PSAC Media Relations