Tag Archives: convention collective

Update on Collective Agreement Implementation for SV and TC Groups


In early July, the employer began the salary update for members of the Operational Services Group (SV) and the Technical Services Group (TC).

Given that employees are paid in arrears, members in the SV and TC groups should have begun seeing new rates starting with the July 26 payday. Your new salary rate should now be reflected in your pay. If you find any mistakes in your pay, contact the human resources unit in your department and notify your PSAC union representative.

Retroactive payments will be issued over the full timeframe of the implementation schedule, up to November 11, 2017. Some SV and TC members may receive one full retro payment; others may receive it in multiple payments over multiple pay periods, due to the need for manual processing of some transactions.

Please continue to monitor updates at psacunion.ca/tc and psacunion.ca/sv.

A version of this article was also published on the PSAC website.


Update on Collective Agreement Implementation for PA Group

PA Bargaining

Over the course of the August 5, 2017 weekend, the employer began the salary update for members of the Programs and Administrative Services Group (PA).

Even though changes are being made to Phoenix and HR systems the adjustments will not immediately appear on employees’ pay. Given that employees are paid in arrears, they will begin seeing new rates starting with the August 23 payday. Your new salary rate should be reflected on the August 23 pay. If you find any mistakes in your pay, contact the human resources unit in your department and notify your PSAC union representative.

Retroactive payments will be issued over the full timeframe of the implementation schedule, up to November 11, 2017. Some PA group members may receive one full retro payment; others may receive it in multiple payments over multiple pay periods, due to the need for manual processing of some transactions.

Please continue to monitor updates at psacunion.ca/pa.

A version of this article was also published on the PSAC website.

Government Delaying Signing of New PA, EB, TC & SV Collective Agreements


PSAC has been pushing the government to sign four collective agreements by the end of May, but the employer is insisting they won’t be ready until mid-June at the earliest. These agreements, covering over 100,000 workers, were ratified by the membership in votes that concluded in April.

PSAC still waiting for drafts of agreements

At this time, the final drafts of the agreement for the Program and Administrative Services (PA) Group and the agreement for the Education and Library Science (EB) Group are just about finalized. PSAC has yet to receive the draft agreements covering the Technical Services (TC) and Operational Services (SV) Groups, even though the employer has had months to get the drafts ready. We are committed to reviewing the draft agreements and replying to the employer in less than three days.

Members have waited long enough

These agreements, which took over two and a half years to negotiate, do not go into effect until they are signed. PSAC believes our members, who have also spent the last year dealing with the Phoenix pay system debacle, have waited long enough. We are continuing to pressure the employer to make this a priority and sign these agreements signed as soon as possible.

A version of this article was also published on the PSAC website.