Tag Archives: PA

Register now for TB town halls to learn how to submit bargaining demands

As preparations continue for the next round of Treasury Board bargaining, PSAC will host a series of national virtual town halls to provide guidance for members on how to draft effective bargaining demands.

The town halls will build on the momentum from our historic 2023 national strike and empower members to get involved in the bargaining process early.

Registration is open to all members of the Program and Administrative Services (PA)Technical Services (TC)Operational Services (SV), and Education and Library Science (EB) Treasury Board bargaining groups.

Register now

English with French interpretation: 

  • Tuesday, July 23, 6 p.m. ET
  • Monday, July 29, 9 p.m. ET
  • Monday, September 23, 6 p.m. ET
  • Tuesday, September 24, 7 p.m. ET

French with English interpretation: 

  • Thursday, July 25, 7 p.m. ET
  • Wednesday, October 16, 9 p.m. ET

Learn more about the bargaining process and what makes a strong bargaining demand, so you’re better prepared to discuss bargaining priorities with your colleagues and within your local. Each session will include a 30-minute presentation, followed by a Q&A session.

This is your chance to shape negotiations for the next round. Your input will help prioritize the issues that matter most at the Treasury Board bargaining conference in February 2025.

The deadline to submit your bargaining proposals is November 15, 2024.

Register now

Your component will review all proposals from their respective members ahead of the PSAC bargaining conference in February 2025 where delegates from locals across the country will choose priorities for negotiations.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA Group: Update on Occupational Group Structure review 

Treasury Board informed PSAC they will be making changes to the Program and Administrative Services Occupational Group Structure (OGS) review timeline and next steps due to their continued inability to meet the target date of June 24, 2024. Treasury Board is unable to provide a new target date at this time.

The OGS review is an effort by Treasury Board to modernize classifications in the core public service by updating and replacing outdated occupational group definitions and job evaluation standards. This work is intended to align classification groups, many of which are decades old, with the work of today’s public service. Members working in the federal public service can find out more by visiting the Classification Renewal GCintranet page (only accessible for federal government employees).

PSAC’s longstanding objectives on classification reform continue to be:

  • Replacing the current, outdated Treasury Board classification system;
  • Developing job evaluation standards and job descriptions that reflect current work realities and that are compliant with pay equity standards.

PSAC is pursuing a policy grievance on Treasury Board’s lack of meaningful consultation, and we are awaiting a hearing date.

PSAC will continue to ensure that consultation takes place and that our members are kept informed throughout the process.

Preparations underway for PA conversion 

Departments and agencies of the core public administration are preparing for the PA conversion by making sure all information related to positions in human resources systems is accurate and up to date, and that job descriptions are ready to be evaluated.

PA group members may receive updated job descriptions or may be asked to comment on proposed job descriptions. We encourage you to contact your union local or PSAC component for guidance if you have concerns about your current job description.

How will this affect my job classification? 

At this point, the employer has not completed its job description evaluation, so we do not know how individual positions will be classified under the new system.

Later in the conversion process, PA group members will receive advance notice of the anticipated classification of their positions from their human resources departments. We will provide members with information on what to expect before this stage in the process begins.

For now, you can find a high-level overview of the anticipated composition of the new PA sub-groups in our previous update.

We will keep you updated as the implementation moves forward. You can also reach us with your questions at PA-OGS@psac-afpc.com.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA, EB, TC and SV ratification votes to be held May 24 to June 16

Ratification votes for PSAC members in the four Treasury Board groups will begin on May 24 and end on June 16 at noon ET.

In order for PSAC members to receive their new rates of pay, retroactive pay, and lump sum payment, the new agreements must first be ratified. To ensure this ratification process is done as quickly as possible, PSAC will be conducting an expedited ratification process.

The ratification votes will be conducted using the same online voting platform used for strike votes earlier this year.

Click here more important information regarding ratification votes.

Ratification kits for PA, TC, SV and EB groups

Photo of CIU flag

After nearly two years at the bargaining table and one of the largest strikes in Canadian history, CIU and PSAC members of the PA, SV, TC and EB bargaining units have a tentative agreement.

We thank all our CIU members for the unity they demonstrated and actions they took during this strike. Without you, we would not have this tentative agreement. We also thank our bargaining teams for their hard work and tenacity. These negotiations were uniquely challenging and CIU supports the tentative agreements they’re unanimously recommending.

CIU members of these bargaining units will soon have the opportunity to attend ratification sessions. We encourage you to review your ratification kit, attend a session, ask your questions and cast your vote.

Breaking down the gains in PSAC’s Treasury Board settlement, and individual summaries of PA, EB, TC, and SV agreements

In the hours after reaching a deal with Treasury Board, PSAC shared with members the highlights of the wage increases and remote work language that were negotiated.

As  PSAC prepares the ratification kits that contain the full details of the new agreements to share with you in the coming days, here are more details and clarification on the key improvements the union secured in this round of bargaining.

Please see the following page on the PSAC website for a breakdown of these gains.

Individual summaries

PSAC has also published summaries of each tentative agreement (PA, EB, TC, SV). Review them here: